On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, you wrote:
> Hey everybody,
> I have been using linux for awhile and I really enjoy being able to use ICQ
> on my Linux box.  What I am wondering is if my Licq is up to date.
> Basicly, if there is an "official" Licq webpage I could check out for
> updates/quirks and stuff that I might need.  Any links or info would be
> greatly appreciated, BTW, I'm using the default Licq that comes with
> madrake 5.3.  Thanks in advance,
> -------------------------
> Signed,
> Bob 'Reveral' Bonifield
> Fraggin' in the Heartland
> http://lan.quakecity.net/
You can find the current release at 
make sure you click the licq-0.61-2. RPM for i386 link at the very top of the
page. Of course Myself being a newbie I can say that. You on the other hand may
be happy with the srpms. :-)
The homepage doesn't have it posted yet they posted it on rufus first. The
homepage is http://licq.wibble.net/  This release was just put out over the
weekend to fix so problems people were having installing the 61-1 ver


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