On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I have installed mdrk 6.0 with the standard options and am now trying to 
> install licq. without much success i might add.. I have no particular idea
> of what i am doing at all.. and am frustrated... I will not let it beat me..
> I am reading linux manuals for breakfast and dinner, but would appreciate
> some direction on licq install... Thanks all

  Linux manuals won't help you on this one .. a little experience with the
program, reading the docs that came with the application and reading the error
messages will help you.
> oh yeah, well this might help.. the error that i am receiving is
> [ERR] IniFile: Warning, failed to find key
> File = /home/aaron/.licq/owner.uin
> Selection = [user]
> Key = "WebPresence"

  Ok .. this might be a bug in that RPM I think.  I remember this from when I
installed it a while back.  From memory I just wrote one to
satisfy the error messages, then allowed LICQ to write a proper
one once it had started..

  I have included my owner.uin file, with all my personal info removed.  Cut
it out, paste it to a file called "owner.uin" in your .licq directory.  Then
edit it a little to allow it to start, then adjust your settings and tell LICQ
to  save it's setting.  It then writes a new one and adds a few things.

> [WRN] No plugins specified on teh command-line (-p option). See the README
> for more information

  This is where you have to read the docs. 

 Simply put though .. you should type licq -s [gui-plugin]

   Can't remember exactly what I typed, but from memory it was something like 
"licq -s qt-gui"  

    The "-s" option means that you only have to type it in once, after that you
should be able to start licq with just the "licq" command. 

> The package i am trying to install is licq-0~1.rpm   (sounds like I know
> what im talking about eh'... pretty impressive stuff)

  That is a typo I take it, what is the version you have ??  

*********** START "owner.uin" **********************

alias=[your alias]
Uin=[your password]
Password = [your password]

HideIP = 0
WebPresence = 0
OnlineNotify = 0
InvisibleList = 0
VisibleList = 0
Group = 0
Ip = [local ip]
Port = 1040
NewUser = 0
NewMessages = 0
Alias = 
FirstName = 
LastName = S
EMail = [your email] 
Authorization = 1
History = [history localtion]
Homepage = none
City = 
State = 
Country = 61
Timezone = 16
PhoneNumber = 
Age = 0
Sex = 2
About = (not supported yet)

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