On 21 Jun, Alex Brown wrote:
> Star office has somekinda html tool... it looked quite advanced at a
> glance think it may have some java script utils, dunno if it is though.
> But try NEdit...the best text editor in the world ever:
> http://www-pat.fnal.gov/nirvana/nedit.html
> cuts/pastes columns, macros all the usual pizzaz ..and it's fast and don't
> crash.
> ..will do you nice syntax highlighting for html, fortan, perl C, general
> config scripts like .Xdefaults  ...etc.
> (no I'm not a NEdit salesman)
> Al.
I have tried installing nedit but had problems in the past so i gave
up.  Does it still need Motif?  Will Lesstif do?  Can u install it 
without either?

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