Jerry Dean wrote:
> Hi Kuraiken
> This is what I found:
> Destination
> Gateway
> Genmask
> Flags u
> Metie 0
> ref 0
> use 0
> Iface 0 Lo

Hmm...this should be fine. Are there any Destination address
This is the last entry, I presume?

Okay, try connecting to the internet again.
In the kppp dialog (after you get connected) click on show details. You should
see a thing with a graph at the bottom. Above it are 2 ip addresses. The top one
is the ip address assigned to you by your ISP. (you did choose dynamically
assigned IP, yes?) and the one below it is the dial-up server you're connected

Ping that server.

You should get packets back. Hit Ctrl-C to stop the flow.
Now ping or or something.
If you get errors like cannot find server or some such thing, your DNS server
list is not configured properly. Try this first and see what you get.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

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