Hello again:

I followed your instructions below and same problem, so I rebooted
windows went to my isp website and printed out configuration info,
obtained the correct dns settings, rebooted linux, and setup up kppp
correctly and I have the same problem. I get the following error when
pinging an address:  "unknown host". The mail client also returns error
msg, cannot find server. Anymore ideas? Thanks

Jerry Dean

> Hmm...this should be fine. Are there any Destination address
> This is the last entry, I presume?
> Okay, try connecting to the internet again.
> In the kppp dialog (after you get connected) click on show details. You should
> see a thing with a graph at the bottom. Above it are 2 ip addresses. The top one
> is the ip address assigned to you by your ISP. (you did choose dynamically
> assigned IP, yes?) and the one below it is the dial-up server you're connected
> to.
> Ping that server.
> You should get packets back. Hit Ctrl-C to stop the flow.
> Now ping say...www.news.com or www.linux.org or something.
> If you get errors like cannot find server or some such thing, your DNS server
> list is not configured properly. Try this first and see what you get.
> --
> --------------------------------------
> Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
> --------------------------------------
>  Discussions heartily welcomed;
>    Flames generally ignored.
> --------------------------------------

Jerry Dean
5919 E.Pima St.
Tucson, AZ 85712

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