Jerry Dean wrote:
> Hi Kuraiken
> Yes I have the dns setup correct and I am connecting to the internet, I am very
> knowlegable about computers since I have a computer consulting and sales business
> and have built many computers, I am using a external US Robotics Courier V9- modem
> and yes it is connecting. I also get the connecting box and have pinged the ip
> addess with sucess. The problem  has always been and is trying to send/receive mail
> and use Netscape, both return errors as I have previous stated. Lets not waste your
> time with the modem, it is ok and it is connecting, in fact it connects faster with
> Linux then it does with Win98. I will check the /resolv.config file and get back
> with you. Thank you for your efforts and your time, I hope I can get Linux working,
> it looks promising.
> Jerry Dean

Hi Jerry,
So you're not a complete newbie then! ;-)

Your description above says a lot. What this means is that your PC is definitely
not routing through your ppp connection. I'm not quite sure what's in your other
conf files but, I think you'll find this doc more than a little useful to your

It's helped me more than a little - I was just afraid real newbies might find it
overwhelming. Since you're not, you should have no problems. Good Luck! (sheesh,
I'm starting to sound like Steve...except, I'm no guru ;-))

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

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