On Sun, 09 May 1999, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a network of three Linux machines named weaver, ripley, and
> jonesy.  I have them networked, and their disks were all nfs mounted. 
> But then today, all of the sudden, weaver is not seeing ripley's disks,
> and jonesy is not seeing weaver's disks.  ripley is seeing all of the
> nfs mounted disks.  I tried to re-export and re-mount all three
> machines.  When I try 'mount -a' on weaver, I get the error twice:
> "mount: RPC: Program not registered".  I was using these computers last
> night and everything seemed fine.  I didn't change any configuration
> files since then.  I can still ping, telnet, and ftp between all three
> machines.  What could be wrong?  Thanks,


I'd start to (as root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs stop ; /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start
on all 3 machines. Dit you change anyting in the hostfiles or /etc/host.* files

Suc6, Bob

> Hidong
Linux Mandrake release 5.3 (Festen) & kernel 2.0.36 on a i686
11:21am up 32 min, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Apollo) & kernel 2.0.35 on a sparc
11:21am up 4 days, 13:13, 0 users, load average: 1.18, 1.46, 1.51

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