
I'm having a problem with nfs.  I have a network of three Mandrake 6.1
machines all running 2.2.13-7mdk.  The machines are weaver, ripley, and
jonesy.  Things were working fine before y2k.  I shut the machines down
before midnight, and turned them on again this morning (1/1).  weaver is
no longer exporting its nfs partition to ripley and jonesy.  I've been
trying to start nfs manually on all three machines with the sequence:

1. /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet stop
2. /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap stop
3. /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs stop
4. /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet start
5. /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start
6. /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start
7. exportfs
8. mount -a

This sequence shows no errors on weaver, but on ripley and jonesy, this
sequence shows the error

mount: RPC: Program not registered

upon 'mount -a'.  weaver's /var/log/messages has errors like

Jan  1 16:43:01 weaver portmap[935]: connect from to
getport(mountd): request from unauthorized host
Jan  1 16:43:01 weaver portmap[936]: connect from to
getport(mountd): request from unauthorized host
Jan  1 16:43:44 weaver portmap[941]: connect from to
getport(mountd): request from unauthorized host
Jan  1 16:43:44 weaver portmap[942]: connect from to
getport(mountd): request from unauthorized host

which correspond to when I try to mount weaver's partitions on ripley or
jonesy, or do a 'df' on ripley or jonesy.  When I do a 'df' on weaver,
all of the nfs mounted partitions show up, but 'df' on ripley and jonesy
show all nfs partitions except weaver's.  It seems like weaver is not
recognizing ripley or jonesy.  But I can telnet, ping, ftp, rlogin
between all three computers just fine.  Is there some nfs permission
file that needs to be set?  weaver's motherboard is an asus vx-97 with
an award bios that dates from 1995.  I don't think this is a y2k problem
since everything else seems to be working fine.  How do I get my nfs
back?  Thanks,


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