Hi, Axalon,

> >
> > upon 'mount -a'.  weaver's /var/log/messages has errors like
> >
> > Jan  1 16:43:01 weaver portmap[935]: connect from to
> > getport(mountd): request from unauthorized host
> You'll get this message if there is no entry for the pc in /etc/hosts

I was thinking this myself, but there are entries for the other machines
in /etc/hosts, their names as well as their IP addresses.  I also tried
their IP addresses in /etc/exports.  Still no go.  I'll try updating the
bios next.  Thanks,


> > Jan  1 16:43:01 weaver portmap[936]: connect from to
> > getport(mountd): request from unauthorized host
> > Jan  1 16:43:44 weaver portmap[941]: connect from to
> > getport(mountd): request from unauthorized host
> > Jan  1 16:43:44 weaver portmap[942]: connect from to
> > getport(mountd): request from unauthorized host
> >
> > which correspond to when I try to mount weaver's partitions on ripley or
> > jonesy, or do a 'df' on ripley or jonesy.  When I do a 'df' on weaver,
> > all of the nfs mounted partitions show up, but 'df' on ripley and jonesy
> > show all nfs partitions except weaver's.  It seems like weaver is not
> > recognizing ripley or jonesy.  But I can telnet, ping, ftp, rlogin
> > between all three computers just fine.  Is there some nfs permission
> > file that needs to be set?  weaver's motherboard is an asus vx-97 with
> > an award bios that dates from 1995.  I don't think this is a y2k problem
> > since everything else seems to be working fine.  How do I get my nfs
> > back?  Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> > Hidong
> >
> --
> MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
>                                         --Axalon

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