>> Here it is from the "Install" file on the Mandrake 5.3 CD:
>> "your main Linux partition, which will need to be loaded on
>> " / " ("Mount point : / "). This will be the root directory
>> (" root directory "). The size of this partition will need
>> to be at least 300 Mb. More experienced users may load the
>> /usr and /home directories on supplementary partitions."

>What's wrong with that?  You can still break it up so it isn't
>just in one large partition, it's just saying that most users
>will just put linux into one drive with a / mount point, and
>that should be 300 megs -- with the addition that you can put
>/usr and /home on supplementary partitions.  /usr is the bulk
>of the size of the install.... 

>> RedHat's documentation on the same CD recommends 50 to 100MB
>> for /. You'll get "disk full" messages if you set up a small
>> root.

It makes sense that the Mandrake instructions should supercede any
conflicting Red Hat instructions.

Those Red Hat 5.2 instructions didn't allow for all the KDE files being
installed into /opt/kde.

Mandrake 5.3 and Red Hat 6.0 both work fine with a single 465 MB "/"
partition.  (I have 500MB extra for Linux, using 32MB for swap).
Just don't install "everything"...


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