when the floppy is formatted..it won't be bootable unless you do a full
format.. a quick format won't be bootable.  are you doing "rawrite" from a dos
promt ? if not cd to the drive that is the cdrom then cd to \dosutils ...enter
command "rawrite.exe" ...it will ask where the image file is...on redhat it's
\images\boot.img (i don't know about Mandrake" then it will ask where to
copy... just type "a:"

hope that this helps

Tim Anderson wrote:

> Does anyone know how to create a linux boot disk...I want to make copies of
> the boot disk that came with Mandrake but when I do under windows it will
> not work.  The files seem to copy fine but the disk will not work as a boot
> disk.  Also how do I burn copies of the CD's?  I know they say make all
> files exe but how do I do this under Win98??  It does not give me an option
> under properties to make files exe...

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