from windows?  you mean you have a windows machine connected to the net that
you want networked to your linux box so your linux machine can connect too?

BAHAHAHAHAHA... sorry  :-)
I'm sure Bill Gates is happy to hear this...

I'm laughing because generally linux (and it's unixy fathers) have
always been used for networking and internet work, and it's just so famous for
this that it seems almost sacreligious to go the other way around - especially
when (to my knowledge) all other operating systems' network software is based
on ideas from famous unix/linux network software........  nothing wrong with
this reverse idea, just something that never occured to me before - I just
think "Ok, there's a linux box, obviously we make it the server....." when I
setup a network.

 but anyway, you can use a proxy server for windows like
WinProxy (search on the net for their homepage) and it will tell you exactly
what to do.  I have used it and set it up on other systems.  There are others,
too.  Personally, I'd do this the other way around though, and make linux
online and windows the network client.  I mean, you've got a nice web server
already setup and running on linux, etc etc, and you can you the "IP
Masquerading" info in the last couple of emails on this list to setup your
linux machine to let your windows machine access the net also.  I'm working on
this setup as we speak.

Fri, 25 Jun 1999, you wrote: > Ok. Now what drivers do I use for my ethernet
card? The autoprobe in the installation said it was a tulip card. I don't know
what that is, but my card is an NDC 10/100 PCI card. After I went into Linux it
seemed fine until every 10 seconds it kept popping up messages in the console
saying something like "eth0 blah blah blah retrying...." Are there any generic
ethernet drivers available? And is it possible to share the internet connection
from windows with my linux computer. Thanks. >  > The Webmonkey >
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