Michael Asbridge wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to connect to my aol account using a 3 com modem.
> I have configured minicom to use device ttys1(com2) which is
> the port device to which my external modem is attached.
> I am trying to dial in and have entered the number and id/password in
> the configuration for the aol account in the dial up program.
> It says something like initializing modem
> then it says 'Setting speaker volume...'
> and just hangs...
> What is wrong? If I have to set up somthing else to do with my sound
> card for example where do I start?
> regards
> Mike : - )
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Im not very good a linux yet But I think your permission for your
account hasnt been set yet.    If you know what im trying to say.  Im
sorry I cant remember all the terms yet and might have this wrong


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