On Mon, 05 Jul 1999, J Mann wrote:
> Hello, I want to use other window managers like AfterStep and Enlightenment.
> How do I change from KDE? I've looked at all the configuration screens, but
> where do I tell it I want AfterStep instead of KDE?
> --
> Jeremy Mann
> http://manndesigns.dynip.com
> icq://21081443

It can be done in two ways, which works best for you depends on how you start
Xwindows. If you have Linux set up to boot to Xwindows (init level 5) then you
should be seeing a screen with an dialog box for entering your username and
password, just below the password box on the left is a box with KDE in it and
an arrow to it's right, click on the arrow and the window expands to show many
other choices, one is gnome which uses Enlightenment as it's default window
manager (this is what I use, I love Enlightenment and gnome) 
 If you boot to text mode, then after signing in and giviing your password at
the prompt type: switchdesk  then choose gnome as your desktop. Then type startx
and gnome should startup with Enlightenment as the window manager.

That whould be the easyest way...you can also write up some config files if you
know what you are doing, but that is really above my level of knowledge so I
can't help you on that part.

John Love

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