darkknight wrote:

> It can be done in two ways, which works best for you depends on how you start
> Xwindows. If you have Linux set up to boot to Xwindows (init level 5) then you
> should be seeing a screen with an dialog box for entering your username and
> password, just below the password box on the left is a box with KDE in it and
> an arrow to it's right, click on the arrow and the window expands to show many
> other choices, one is gnome which uses Enlightenment as it's default window
> manager (this is what I use, I love Enlightenment and gnome)
>  If you boot to text mode, then after signing in and giviing your password at
> the prompt type: switchdesk  then choose gnome as your desktop. Then type startx
> and gnome should startup with Enlightenment as the window manager.

Thanks for the reply but I don't have that option if I use the GUI boot
option. I suppose its because I'm using 5.3 and I've heard that option
is standard with 6.0. But I did manage to find a simple program called
Start to switch between desktops. But I have to admit, I haven't gone
back to KDE :)

Jeremy Mann

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