On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, Art Rowe wrote:
> I dual boot with Win98 and Linux. I have installed Caldera 1.3, Redhat 5.1
> and 6, and Mandrake 6 without any trouble getting my cable modem to work
> with Linux. I just filled in the data I got in the cable printout given me
> when I started off. I think I just took the first choice in one of the
> menues, something like static IP? static DNS rather than the third option
> which was DHCP (which Rogers wave uses, I think).
I have a cable modem which is basically the Rogers wave
type, I think. At least my instructions say wave in big
letters. Anyway, I set it up as a static IP and DNS. I've
had no problems with getting mail with either Kmail or
Netscape. However , I'm now leaning towards Kmail because
it seems much faster on this woefully underpowered Linux

 Lloyd Osten 

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