On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, you wrote:

> I cant get my X running after I installed linux. I run Xconfigurator, 
and when it came to the part of testing of the 
conguration all I get is a blank (black) screen with the
mouse pointer. I can move it around though, then a message
popped out saying that there was something wrong with my
configuration. I tried many combination including the
resolution given by the probing, but what I get was still
the blank black screen. Can somebody help me ? thx ... btw,
I installed Mandrake 6.0 >  
Please give us some hardware info on your computer -- how
much RAM, what brand/speed of processor, what brand/model
of video card and how much Video ram do you have?
This will give us a starting point to help you. :-)

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