----- Original Message -----
From: A.M. (Tony) Finnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 09, 1999 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live!

> Just for information.
> I have had exactly the same problem since upgrading from 2.2.9-19mkd to
> 2.2.9-27mdk kernel.
> Worked OK following Martin White's instructions before the kernel update.
> Tony F

This was my first lesson in 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. I didn't
actually have a problem with the 2.2.9-19 kernel, i just thought it would be
nice to have the latest version, so i updated, then i kcked myself.

Since then i decided not to bother upgrading until i found it would give me
something i needed and couldn't do with what i had - i still haven't had to
upgrade yet !!


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