first off, turn off HTML msgs under Tools / Options / Send tab / check
Plain Text under Mail sending format.   These are instructions for changing
the format in Outlook Express, which your msg identified it was created

Now, everyone can read your message w/out squinting and going blind.  Plain
text format allows more people to read your msg and help you.   I say this
not to start flamage, but because it was once pointed out to myself.

To the problem.   Is this a Winmodem, a HSP modem, a softmodem ar any
othersuch PCI bus modem.   If so your screwed.   Get another modem.
Likely the proplem is that it is PnPray.   So, at the command line try
"setserial /dev/ttys2"  or try "modemtool".   I have a USR 33.6 ISA modem
(great modem) and I instead switched off the PlugnPray and hard set it to
Com 3 (which is ttys2 in linux) Irq 4  and all devices played nice.   Then
go back in to Kppp and let it query the modem on /dev/ttys2.
"My God, it's full of penguins!"
-----Original Message-----
From: sinx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 3:41 PM
Subject: [newbie] Modem Problems

    I just installed Madrake 6.0, running KDE, I used kdeppp and tried to
setup my modem, which is a U.S. Robotics 56k Internal Fax Modem, on COM3,
but I couldn't seem to set it up right, I always got errors like "modem is
busy" or "can't open modem"
    Does anyone know what settings I should use for the modem? Or if I have
to download some linux drivers for it? Thanks.

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