Follow John's suggestions first.  After figuring which COM port you are 
using, setup KPPP according to the following:
/dev/ttyS0 = COM1
/dev/ttyS1 = COM2
/dev/ttyS2 = COM3
/dev/ttyS3 = COM4


>From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Problems
>Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 09:36:36 -0500
>On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> > I just purchased an Actiontec modem that says it is good for dos, win
> > 3.1, 95, nt and linux.
> > I installed according to the instructions using kddp.
> > When querying the modem I either receive that the modem cannot be found
> > or its busy.
> > I've reloaded linux twice so far.
> > Anyone have any ideas. I'm at wits end.
> >
>Internal? If so, what com port do you have it on? Also, if
>it's on com 1 or com 2, do you have the on-board com ports
>enabled in BIOS? If so, and you're using one of those com
>ports for the internal modem, you need to disable the one
>that's duplicating the internal modem. i.e. your modem is
>using com 2, you need to disable the on-board com 2. Also,
>if using com3 or com4, you could have an IRQ conflict as
>com1 & 3 share an IRQ and com2 & 4 share an irq. Either
>relocate the IRQ for the internal modem or disable the
>conflicting COM port.
>If it's an external, ignore everything I just said. :-)
>    John

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