On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> New guy here again:
> It seems the Linux OS is very complex so far. What is the true advantage
> to running this OS rather than a Windows 98 system? Believe me I hate
> Bill Gates and will be happy when he folds - that is why I am switching
> to Linux - but is there really an advantage at this point in the game or
> should people wait another few years until the hard parts have been made
> easy for the common man with GUI's and such?
My feeling about the BEST reason to switch is the following:
When an app crashes in Windows, the whole O/S crashes along
with it to some extent. When an app crashes in Linux, only
in rare circumstances will it cause the O/S to crash. Even
when Linux becomes unstable due to an app crashing, you can
USUALLY just kill the offending app and Linux will become
stable again, and if not, you can at least shut down
cleanly and reboot (making sure NOT to start up the
offending app until you know what you did wrong <G>)

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