On 17-Aug-99 Kurt wrote:
> Thanks a bundle!!  The argument 'novj' seems to have worked, at least under
> KDE.  Unfortunately, same problem is still happening under my shell, but at
> least I can connect up using KDE now!  

Try putting the novj in the /etc/ppp/options file, then it will pass the novj
option to pppd even if you're not using kppp.
> I would be interested in learning the meaning of 'novj', or where that even
> came from?  There is absolutely nothing in any of the manuals I received
> which mention this argument.

It is mentioned in the man page for pppd:

novj   Disable Van Jacobson style TCP/IP  header  compres-
       sion  in  both  the transmit and the receive direc-

I don't know exactly what Van Jacobsen Compression is for and don't feel like
looking it up, but I think basically it's enabled by default, and most ISP's
have it enabled, but some don't, and in those cases you have to disable it with
the novj option.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> At 11:14 PM 8/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>On 17-Aug-99 Kurt wrote:
>>> Hoorah!  I got Mandrake installed successfully, and everything seems to
>>> work except for one BIG problem.  For some reason, my Netscape, FTP and IRC
>>> connections all come up and tell me that connections to the servers have
>>> been established.  However, it then just sits there and seems like nothing
>>> is getting into my machine!  
>>Geez, looks like this problem is getting common.  Okay, my gf had the same
>>exact problem and this is what fixed it for her:
>>Go into kppp's settings, and in the screen where you put the phone number for
>>your ISP in, there is a button labeled 'Arguments' for passing arguments to
>>pppd.  Click on that, then put in 'novj' as a pppd argument.
>>I hope that works for you.

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