Well, I have to revise the amounts in the partitions.   Brett, you were
right, I didn't have enough room in the /usr partition.   I forgot that the
bin files went in there.  Here is what it looks like now.
1.  /boot      20 MB
2.  /            791 MB
3.  /swap     80 MB
4.  /home  439 MB
The swap and home part. are on the 540MB and the others on the 810MB.   In
Disk Druid I allowed it to put the partitions on either drive except the
/boot and allowed the root part. to be growable.   This helps fill the
space entirely.

>On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, you wrote:
>> Thanks for the info.   I just started the reinstall.   Had to put in a
>> CD drive the old one shot craps.  I used Disk Druid to format and all
>> fine.   I made partitions like:
>> 1. /swap   80MB
>I like to put the swap at the end of the drive. It makes sure the /boot
>partition in inside 1023
>> 2. /boot     20MB
>> 3. /             800MB
>> 4. /usr       200MB
>You'll find that /usr is going to have more in it than / you may want to
>this around. A good command to run to get disk usage is du. cd into /usr
>run du -h and it will give you the size of all files below /usr
>> 5. /home   500MB
>> or roughly that amount.   It's doing the install right now so I can't
>> check.  I did find the install notes from my LUG meeting last month.
>> minimum they gave said to have /, /boot, /swap, /home, and /usr .
>> The sweet sounds of the CD spinning are filling my ears now.   Excuse me
>> while I bask in the glow of the monitor  and read more e-mail.
>> Brian
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Brian Leas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >
>> >Okay, here is my suggestion:
>> >
>> >1.  Boot up from a WIN95 startup disk.  Format your Windows drive(I'm
>> >assuming it is the first one)
>> >2.  After formatting, run dos fdisk and delete the current dos
>> >3.  Reboot your machine with a Linux boot disk and run Linux fdisk.
>> >4.  Setup your partitons something like so:
>> >        /boot  20MB
>> >        /
>> >        /swap
>> >        /home  (for program files)
>> >
>> >You could put the boot , swap , and /home partitions on the first drive
>> and
>> >the /home on the second or whatever floats your boat.
>> >
>> >Hope this helps :)
>> >
>> >
>> >>I have a PC w/ Mandrake 5.3 currently on it.  I want to totally drop
>> >>windows on this box and think I am ready to do so.   When I installed
>> Linux
>> >>to this machine I used a separate hard drive for Linux and left the
>> >>original to Windows 95.   It's a Pent. 60 with  a 540MB and a 810MB
>> >>drive.
>> >>
>> >>When I do a reinstall I want to create more than just the / (root) and
>> >>/swap partitions I did last time.   Can I put /, /boot, & /whatever
>> on
>> >>dev/hda and other partitions on the second HD which would be /dev/hdb?
>> >>I'm sure this should work, but which partitions should go on which
>> >>And what sizes should I make them?   I know /boot should be around
>> >>but not sure on the rest.
>> >>
>> >>Ideas / recommendations welcome.   This PC will be networked to one or
>> two
>> >>other home PCs and will mainly be for net access, office applications
>> >>general experimentation.
>> >>Brian
>> >>
>> >>"My God, it's full of penguins!"  Finally true.
>> >>
>Brett Jones

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