Douglas Nordwall
New Mexico Highlands University

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Sengir wrote:

> Thus far I have figured out how to get connected to my ISP.  I have setup
> Kppp with the DNS and everything dials up seemingly correct.  But, this is
> where my issue is, when I attempt to use Netscape it can't look up any pages
> I try to access.  Even when I put the IP address in directly so a domain
> look up isn't needed.

Are you behind a proxy/firewall? trying pinging an internet address. That
should tell you a lot. Also. do an ifconfig and a route to make sure that
you have the ppp interface up and that it has a route out.

> I also have a second issue.  I have a 56k V.90 Acer Modem and it can't seem
> to get it to connect any higher than 38600 in Linux but I get 49333 in
> windows.  Any suggestions?

turn off your flow control. This one got me for a while.

> Thanks to everyone,
> Brian
> P.S.  Thanks to all who have helped so for with my Voodoo3 questions.

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