----Original Message Follows----
From: Rick Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 > it is. So, forget all these .config files we seem to have to >manually 
edit with wonderful devices such as VI. [BLEAH!!]

>     You know, there _are_ more intuitive editors out there--lots of
>them, in fact.  I like pico, but kedit is pretty good as well.  Of
>course, there aren't that many cases any more where you _have_ to
>manually edit the .conf files, as software like linuxconf and others
>tend to work as well.  Also, I guess this means you've never had to >hack 
>the Windows registry?

Nope. Never have. In as much as I'm comfortable using regedit, I've never 
had to use it to get something to work. That's not the point. Having to 
manually edit things was one of the major downfalls of OffulStinky/2. Then, 
of course, they were plagued by bad management, marketing and just a plain 
gawd awful stupid looking system. Heck, I'm running 2000 release candidate 1 
now. Yes, the betas had their problems. But, that's why they call them 

>When you can make a version of this Linux, whether it be Red Hat or 
> >Mandrake, that's better at plug 'n play than Windows, maybe more of >us 
>will start using it on a more pronounced basis.

>     "So, quitcherbeleakin" yourself.  Linux is getting much better >at 
>PnP, though it admittedly isn't to the level of Windows yet.  >Windows 
>isn't anywhere near the level of the Mac, either, so why are >you holding 
>Windows out as the holy grail of PnP?

Because it is. Unix has been around eons before Mr. Gates' MSDOS or even 
Windows. You'd think that someone would have gotten it right by now. Gates 
took the MacIntrash environment and made it work. One of my many employment 
endeavors was collecting shareware and freeware for the PC, Mac, Amiga [now 
THERE's an underrated machine] and the Atari. I've been there, done that and 
saw the movie. My first computer was in 1979. It was a TRS-80 Model I Level 
I with 16K of memory and the only storage device was a casette recorder. 
That was back just before the Crapple ][ came out with it's TRS-80 wannabe 

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