Matt Stegman wrote:
> The only reason you'd want to separate out /home is a) if your root
> partition becomes corrupted, you can still preserve your personal files
> and b) if you need to upgrade, you don't lose everything when you format
> the root partition.

Something I've been wondering about: Let's say you have /, /usr, and
/home partitions and you decide to upgrade. When you do the CD install,
you say "No, please don't format /usr and /home, but go ahead and format
/", right? You don't want to lose all those apps you've carefully

But what about the files from the CD that go to /usr, such as all the
X11 stuff? Will the installer replace the old files in /usr with the new
ones? Or will it put them in the /usr directory in the same partition as


Joel VanderWerf

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