On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> I should be able to make it work with this information. I tried several
> different variations on the mount command and not one of them worked, so I must
> be specifying the wrong partition. Thanks, Ken
Try the following:
First, go to /mnt and create a directory "vfat" or "dos" or "windows"
or some such identifier for that partition.
Second, type the following EXACTLY:
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/<directory you just made>

This SHOULD work, assuming you're correct in your belief that your
Dos/Windows partition is /dev/hda1.
If this fails, try /dev/hda2 then /dev/hda3 and so on until it
successfully mounts. The only REAL way to be sure that it's mounted
is to change to the /mnt/<directory> and browse around after issuing
the mount command. Oh, yeah...you'll need to be "root" to try this
out. Once you've determined which /dev/hdxx it is, you can plug that
info into fstab. :-)

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