Alan Lott wrote:
> hi there,
> i've seen various posts about screen resolution probs (with no answer to my
> particulart situation).
> unfortunately, the ctrl-alt-plus does nothing. in
> fact, the resolution isn't even 640x480, its some
> sort of default resolution (like 240x310). i've
> tried to install on two different boxes, both have
> the same problem, and both have AGP video cards
> (but not the same card)... is the AGP card the
> problem? if it is, what's the work-around for it?
> the text console runs fine and even the GUI works
> correctly (what i can see of it), so this just
> seems to be a video issue. any help would be
> greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
> alan

Hi, Alan,

When you do ctrl-alt-+, are you using the + key on the number pad, and
not the one on the main keyboard?  Also, if you want a higher screen
resolution than the one you're getting, you can try setting the
resolution you want as your default in /etc/X11/XF86Config.  Good luck,


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