et wrote:

>On Wednesday 03 July 2002 06:07 am, you wrote:
>>>how much memory do you have?
>>256 meg RAM
>>>is it shared video mem?
>>Video card is an NVIDIA GeforceMX with 32 meg.
>>>how much disk space do you have? (type df, and post it)
>>It's a 20 gig hard drive. df yields:
>>Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>>/dev/hde2              3283000    104844   3011384   4% /
>>none                    127920         0    127920   0% /dev/shm
>>/dev/hde6              1007960    267132    689624  28% /home
>>/dev/hde1              8210880   4533952   3676928  56% /mnt/windows
>>/dev/hde5              7055648   2102708   4594524  32% /usr
>>>also type cat /proc/interrupts and let us see that.
>>           CPU0
>>  0:     649067          XT-PIC  timer
>>  1:      10128          XT-PIC  keyboard
>>  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
>>  4:     143580          XT-PIC  serial
>>  5:      25506          XT-PIC  usb-uhci
>>  8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc
>> 10:     215504          XT-PIC  nvidia
>> 11:      27166          XT-PIC  ide2
>> 12:      11946          XT-PIC  cmpci
>> 15:         83          XT-PIC  ide1
>>NMI:          0
>>LOC:          0
>>ERR:          0
>>MIS:          0
>>>did you install (clean, format all linux partitions?) or Upgrade?
>>It was an install, but I didn't format the /home directory (to keep my
>>data, of course). Fairly certain formatted everything else.
>>>try running top as the first thing when you see the slowdown. my guess
>>>is no free hard drive space (in say /etc or /var), or a lost swap file.
>>Will do that and report back on it.
>>Thank you for that, my main problem has been just trying to think of how I
>>can figure out what's up.
>no problem, but since I did not see anything "glaring out at me right 
>there.... what does "free" say? and then are we sure it is in the OS and not 
>the hardware? have you tried cpuburn or memtest86? 
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Something glares at me.  can you set your BIOS for APIC instead of PIC?

Do you get the same results for a

linux noapic


What filesystem are you uising?  And what NVidia drivers?

I have noticed some instability, filesystem dependent, on the 
binary-only NVIdia drivers from the distro, somewhat but not completely 
removed by the more recent Mandrake-specific drivers from the site.  The 
XFree drivers do not sem to be subject to this problem.

I also don't see a network card on the interrupt scheme.  If you have 
one I bet it is on IRQ 10 with the NVIdia card which can all by itself 
explain your problem.  Solution is move the card to another slot and 
disable the freakin ACPI in the BIOS (which your windows won't like).


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