On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 6:40 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 17:10:13 +0100
> Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On similar lines, though Windows based, I complained to HSBC bank that
> > I was unable to access the on-line bank whilst using Netscape 6.2.  I
> > was told that it was not and would not be supported as it was
> > inherently insecure i.e. could save login/passwords.
> >
> > I guess I should have pointed out to them that I could just as easily
> > do that from any number of my linux browsers, if I were stupid enough
> > to do so, but I didn't.  I regret that now, although they would
> > probably have just seen that as an excuse to block out linux browsers
> > as well.
> >
> > You could just as well say that I can't have a PIN nu,mber, because I
> > might write it down.  How stupid can you get?
> Insecure? Have they read ANYTHING about IE. Besides you can save
> passwords with IE just like any browser.
> Bill

'Ignorance is bliss!  'Tis folly to be wise'


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