
Perhaps my newbie status concerning technical issues is showing... What is a
hex editor?

I have already uninstalled a good portion of the software on my machine and
have nothing left in the Running Programs list (Ctrl>Alt>Del) other than
Explorer and Systray.  All I've gained is 60-some MB of recoverable space.
At least I've eliminated some of the scattered clusters, but now I have two
large (1000+ cluster) clumps near the end of the drive that I can't get out
of the way. If I could move or eliminate these cluster groups, I could
recover sufficient space and almost half of my drive.

As it is, I can only now recover 120 MB from a disk with more than 1 Gig of
free space!  I suspect that the problem clusters are acutally parts of
Windows itself -- maybe even something vital like the Registry.  Maybe I'll
be able to tell once I know what a hex editor is and how to use it.


----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Recoverable disk space
> I was just using Commander as an example of the type of program. Hmmm,
> have you tryed looking at the sectors with a hex editor? Don't change
> anything, just look, maybe you can find a clue as to what program that
> they belong to. Another indicator will be the date on those files. If
> you can figure out what the filenames are (hex editor again) check the
> dates, if they get updated regularly then they probably belong to a
> ysytem level program. If they haven't been touched in a long time they
> may be leftovers from something that's no longer on your system.
> Once you identify them there ater ways to deal with them. See what you
> can find out.
> Good luck
> Bob Jackson

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