on 21:59 15/09/1999 -0700, Ken Wilson,wrote

>I have heard that Partition Magic can move all this stuff for you and
>allow you to resize the partions.  But that is just heresay on my part,
>I had one experience with Partition Magic and it was not good, corrupted
>23 Gig of secondary storage.  Fortunately it was not heavily used and
>key pieces had been backed up previously.

I would certainly suggest Partion Magic as a solution but only if you can get
the full version not the lite thing that comes with some Linux distos.  Version
3 and 4 are both great.  I've done everything imaginable with it: creating,
resizing, moveing, copying never any problems.  Infact I use it regulary to
back up entire partitions to a spare hard drive.
I couldn't live without it and swear by daily.
Real Geeks do it with the lid off !
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ake down entire network? 

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