Hello, Sean:

Say, something I'm curious about.  Did you ever try to download and unpack
a Linux program using Windows 95/98 and Winzip for unpacking?  How did it
go if you did?

I tried that one time with no success.

Just wondering.


At 07:13 PM 9/17/99 +0000, Sean Pritchard wrote:
>1. If one doesn't have a CDr, and would like to download MDk 6.1, how
>could one do a Hard Drive Installation?
>2. I also remember some time ago, reading a document about online
>installations, can this be done?  (somewhere on the RedHat site, but now
>I use Mandrake)
>I am ready to tackle this if it is possible.  I have Cable internet
>access so the download should be pretty quick.  StarOffice 5.1 took me
>about 25 minutes to download at 70Megs - that would calculate to approx.
>4.2857142857 hours at 70Megs per 30mins for 600Megs of data......  :-)
>In the meantime for a response to this I will dig into the search
>engines on the Mandrake Site....
>sj.Pritchard Technical Services
>Vanderhoof, British Columbia

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