On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 19:22:02 +0000
Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 12:35 pm, Len Lawrence wrote:
> > What this means is that Mandrake has lost a customer, and others will
> > vote with their feet as well unless Mandrake or somebody influential
> > applies pressure on the Gnomes to change their heading.  By my calculation
> > they are at least 90 degrees off course.
> >
> > I shall buy the 8.2 Power Pack, as a last gesture of support for Mandrake.
> > But that is the end, finish, no more.
> >
> > Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.
> Not offended - but puzzled.  If your quarrel  is with Gnome, why punish 
> Mandrake?  OK, so you don't like KDE, but surely there's another wm that you 
> could be happy with?  And if Gnome is the problem, won't it be so in any 
> other distro?
> I hope it was just frustration talking, and that you will re-consider.
Not punishing Mandrake - no way.  Just feel that they should go back to Gnome 1.4
until the Gnome people get their act together.  These people, Gnomes and Mandrake
work very hard to supply first class free software but in this case they seem to 
have misjudged the market.  Gnome 1.4 + Sawfish were perfect for my needs.  Why
not supply this combination as an alternative?  The answer to that is they
don't have the resources to maintain two parallel environments.  As you point out
other distributions would also adopt Gnome 2 so there would be no advantage in
switching loyalties.

Len Lawrence

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