On December 24, 2002 07:28 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> OK, so far there is an incredible number of volunteers.  Most of the
> crew here seems to be US, and we don't have anybody for Australia yet.
Inter-lined comments.
> List:
>  Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ingo Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sign me up! Add me here. City in signature for convenience.

> Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             -- Lower Atlantic Seaboard
> Dennis Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Midwest US
> Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      -- Upper Atlantic Seaboard
> What exactly is left of the crashtest team?  How was it organized?  What
> was the format for the bug reports?  How do we integrate the crash
> burners with the crashtesters?
> Is it too early to be thinking about this? Should the question really
> be, where's the money?  Should we concentrate on raising fundage for
> Mandrake from Lugs and christmas presents first?  Would praying help?

Quite frankly I won't even go to a meeting of my local Lug. Or be subscribed 
to their mailing list again. Too insular, too clannish, too much kaffee 
klatsch/tea party/debating society, too many Liberal (a Party here) political 
opinions. Far too much of "We can't do that (install-fests or anything else 
it seems) 'cause we'd be _liable!_" From reading the traffic on their mailing 
list I felt they were all convinced they were "special people" and couldn't 
be bothered with 'lowly newbies.'

I'll just keep supporting Mandrake to the limit of what I can afford; buying 
what I can, and shaming friends into subscribing and proselytizing as well. 
Instead of letting them keep their "but it's free!" delusions. :-)
> Where's the beef?  Can somebody else weigh in on this?  Darklord?
> Civileme?
> LX

Just in case you couldn't tell I think this is a great idea.

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Patageometry, n.:
        The study of those mathematical properties that are invariant
        under brain transplants.

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