Just read some stuff at www.samba.org and
http://www.sfu.ca/~yzhang/linux/index.html in the Samba Step-by-Step Guide
and now realize what NetBEUI does and is as well as a few other tidbits.
For others reading this, NetBEUI is a Microsoft extension of NetBios, an
old networking protocol (pre-TCP/IP).   If using a purely TCP/IP network,
which with my blended OS network I will be, then NetBEUI and NetBios are
unnecessary.   Also, since I have no machines running NetWare connected, I
can shut off IPx/SPx.   I think that it is not just Samba that would be
confused if the PC was running all these services/protocols.   I would be
as well as my machine.   The sys admin here at work just told me to shut
off anything I would not be using like IPx/SPx.   This is like turning off
the daemons a Linux box is running if you don't need them.  It increases
security and streamlines the system.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ripcrd6 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I finally started working on networking my machines.   I have one here at
>work I started setting up during lunch.
>This PC will be a dual boot Windows 95 and Mu Linux, the other two
>are a 100% Mandrake box and a Windows 95 box that may later be dual boot
>100% Linux.   I'm following some instructions for the Windows portion I
>found online, but have this question.   If this box will be in the mix
>Linux, do I need to set up NetBEUI at all or as the default  file and
>printer sharing?   Is this what Samba replaces?   Should I completely
>remove NetBEUI or would it be used to communicate with the other Windows

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