Hell, everybody has strong feelings about this subject. I have resisted long 
but this post is really way beyond.


There are two countries, X and Y. 

- X has made war to two other countries (to one of them with strong support by 
Y) and shot rockets against a third, it is _suspected_ to have weapons of 
mass destruction. 

(Todays news tell me though that it is _not_ likely they do, or even did - is 
the news in america different?)

- Y is proven to _have_ weapons of mass destruction, is the only country that 
has actually used it and is willing to do so again. (see below: [1]). Has 
recently one-sidedly _broken_ the ABM treaty with russia to reduce nuclear 
weapons on both sides (Y is now stronger so the treaty is obsolete). [2] Y 
possess biological/chemical weapons and has recently ignored another 
international treaty they signed in 1972 that bans b+c weapons [4] . They 
have repeatedly attacked and invaded other (democratically elected) 
countries. [3] 

--- Which one is more dangerous? ---

Do you sometimes question yourself and your position? How comes your are so 

"You are with us or against us" what a shit! I am against Bush _and_ 
Fundamentalists, because they are basically the same to me.

Some people may have hurt your feelings - well that's sad. But your country is 
going to _kill_ people - not just hurt their feelings. 

Is it better to kill than to cope with opposing views and maybe discover that 
you are wrong?


But well it _is_ true that this is the place to discuss opposing views about 
KDE and Gnome....  I just couldn't let it stand like this.
"The Pentagon's newly revised, secret-but-leaked "nuclear posture review" 
lists not just one or two, but at least seven nations that may conceivably 
qualify as targets for nuclear attack by the United States. The potential 
bull's-eyes include not only the usual "axis of evil"-also known as Iran, 
Iraq and North Korea-but Libya and Syria, as well as our "friends" in China 
and Russia."
government site: http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/pol/arms/stories/01121302.htm
bbc :http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/1707812.stm

"The United States has given Russia formal notice that it will withdraw from 
the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in six months, President Bush said 
December 13."
links: same as above

"IRAN 1953
CIA directs overthrow of elected left-leaning government, installs Shah.

Army coup assisted to an unknown degree by CIA; left-leaning elected 
government toppled; between 250,000 to 1,000,000 lives lost.

CHILE 1973
CIA-backed coup ousts elected leftist president; rightist dictator installed.

By means of repetitive coups the US-backed army has ousted the democratically 
elected parties for several times."


"The Bush administration has found another international agreement to spurn. 
This time it's a draft agreement to enforce a 1972 treaty banning biological 
weapons, an agreement backed by Britain and other European countries."


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