On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 14:22:19 -0600
Todd Franklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What gets me is that the whole Iraq thing is over the oil.  There's 
> still no conclusive proof that they have "weapons of mass
> destruction," but we know for sure they have vast amounts of oil.  In
> fact, the Bush administration has already divided it up amongst the
> oil companies. 
>  (primarily american I'm sure)  It makes me want to puke.  We know
>  North 
> Korea is making weapons-grade plutonium right now, but since there's
> no oil there, the Bush administration has decided  to use "diplomacy" 
> instead of bombing them.  Hmm double standard?  And what ever happened
> to Bin Laden anyway?  Why haven't they gotten him?  Most advanced 
> military in the world can't find one guy?  We've got sattelites that
> can find oil miles deep, but can't find one terrorist in a cave! 
> GRRRRR! Sorry about the rant, but here I sit in the midwestern US, I
> was layed off in April 02 and I can't find a job, my unemployment has
> been cut off, the economy is going to hell, and this f***ing moronic 
> administration is slowly taking away our rights.  Pretty soon the only
> US constitutional right left will be to own a gun so we can blow our
> own heads off.

I very seldom comment on threads such as this (although I do enjoy the

While there are some subscribers who have some difficulty with these
postings, I believe they do have some merit.

So ....

I sit here in the deep South Pacific watching and observing ..

I have become increasingly frustrated with all the BS over "Weapons of
Mass Destruction" mostly perpetuated by a news media which seems to
longer bother to analyse the outpourings of political speechwriters!

There is only one "Weapon of Mass Destruction" and to my almost certain
knowledge that weapon was last used in August of 1945!!

To include biological warfare systems in that definition is wrong,
erroneous, incorrect and just plain silly!!

These are certainly weapons of terror, (and should certainly be
outlawed), however their usefulness in reality is doubtful.

The 'agent' being used has to be able to 'hang about' .. Think about
this ... You have to deliver a 'biological agent' by some means ... now
you have to 'release' it ... now it has to 'hang about' for a while sos
it can 'effect' a significant proportion of the target population ..

So then, what about the effects of wind, heat, cold etc on these

So what about our own natural immunities and the ability of our own
immune systems to neutralise these 'foreign bodies' in our systems.

I'm not biological scientist, but my general understanding of the
effectiveness of all Natures' viruses, bugs etc is that they are able to
replicate themselves inside of very narrow environmental margins.

These 'biological weapons' are subject to the same environmental
constraints as Natures' are!!

And bear in mind that when these types of weapon where used during WW1
(1914-18) that there were as many casualties inflicted on the
'deliverers' as on the 'receivers' regardless of which 'side' was
delivering or receiving.

There is a very good article on this issue at:


It deserves some consideration by all of us.



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