> On Sunday 02 February 2003 09:05 am,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On 1 Feb 2003 at 22:19,
> civileme wrote: > > On Saturday 01 February 2003 05:33
> pm, > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On 31 Jan 2003 at
> 9:32, > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >   I just got a
> different > > laptop IBM thinkpad 770E 266 >   mhz 64
> mb ram. Yeah I > > know it could use > some more ram
> and I will probably > > order some latter > today. I
> installed dual boot Win 98 > > SE and ML 9.0 and >
> installed a external modem US > > Robotics Sportster >
> hooked > to the serial port. > > > the modem works fine
> with Winblows but KPPP cant > > > seem to do a thing
> with it in ML 9.0 In KPPP setup > > > device I first
> tried Dev tty S0 and got a message > > > saying KPPP
> can not find > /dev /tty/ S0 This came as > > kind of a
> shock, I never > had > one of these USR > > sportster
> modems fail me yet. Just > for > grins I > > tried all
> the other settings In KPPP , DEV / > Modem, > > Dev TTY
> S0 through S3 and S 10 through S13 and > still > > no
> luck. Tried to querry modem , No Luck, tried > a > > >
> different Modem and still no luck. I then went back to
> > > > > > Winblows and the modem still works fine. >   
>  I kind > > > > of suspect that ML can not see the
> serial >     port > > but I don't have a clue as to how
> to > check that, no > > other serial devices around the
> house > to > plug in > > the serial port. > >     Any
> body got any Ideas about > > what is wrong here. > > > 
>  Maybe the seat to keyboard > > > interface? > >     
> Thanks > > >       Marc It says ion the > > > 9.0
> errata to go to /etc/sysconfig network and delete > >
> the line that says GATEWAY=(some ip address)  That is >
> > what blocks the modem from working, actually the ppp
> > > interface protocol > > > > Civileme > >      I
> loged in as root and went to usr/local/ect and > ect is
> empty. I did have show hidden files checked. I > read
> the errata and I doubt it applies in this case >
> because I don't have a ethernet card. >    And it gets
> stranger yet last night I messed with > it a while
> trying to get the modem working. >   I looked again at
> any and all modem settings  and > could not find a
> thing that looked like it might help. >   In
> desperation I changed from  /dev/tty/S0 to other >
> settings several times and finally set it back to what
> > seemed to make sense /dev/tty/S0 and the modem came
> to > life, well kind of, well almost . when trying to
> dial > up the modem is found but it gets to initalizing
> modem > and just stops I can now querry the modem but
> all the > results come back blank. I don't have a
> manual on this > old modem but I checked all the dip
> switches to make > shure that they were set the same as
> on my other > machine with the same type modem on
> /dev/tty/S0. >   I am still stumped but I guess this
> does look kind > of like progress. >   Marc
> on _my USR external, I have to add the extra string of
> ATs32=66, allowing it to complete the connection,,,
> what model of modem do you use?
      USR Sportster 33.6 faxmodem model 0413  made in 
1995.  33.6 is kind of slow by todays standards but do 
to the POOR dial up connections in the area where I 
live I have found a 28K modem will do every bit as 
well as a 56K  I am running the same model modem on my 
other machine with ML 9.0 and getting it running was a 
nobrainer. I have several friends running the same 
model modem on ML 9.0 and they also have had no 
problems, I would know I am the one that did their 
   I am starting to wonder if for some reason KPPP or 
some other part of the installation just did not go 
well. Or maybe some oddity about the MOBO on this 
  I Shure am starting to miss sypheed among other 

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