Hm... went to see both Pines & Mutts web sites. Wondered ppl's opinions on both & which is more newbie friendly.

Basically I want to learn either one (whichever is easier for now) just so that again I can use an email client on any system anywhere to retrieve mail. Plus I'm curious to see how a text based client handles things. :)

Ya theres a trend here... its called "Learn things on the CLI & bang your head against a wall for a while till you know this stuff cold. And you can do this anywhere/anytime on any system." :)

Heh same question in the vein of the emacs/vi post. Sorry if ppl feel like i'm wasting bandwith but I have done some research on this & I am not entirely clear on which one would suit better to learn on. Besides, learning is fun! Or so I'm told... :D


Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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