I really hope you get a good answer to this from someone who knows for
ure  - I have the same setup with an LS120 substituted for the Zip (which I
gave to a friend!)

but to get you started in A direction;
I am guessing they will be something like:

hda<---Primary         Master        HD

hdb<---Primary         Slave          CD

hdc<---Secondary    Master        CD [burner]
(not sure what to do about that yet, but looks like some kind of scsi
pretence is going to be called for)
(why the blazes don't people accept that burners actually come in two
flavours of electronics?)
(this seems more ostritch than penguin at this point, but I doubt if the
linux community started it!)

hdd<---Secondary    Slave          HD (treat it like a cd rom since it's
removeable media?)

You'll need a directory for each in mnt I think (certainly about to try that
idea myself)

Also an entry of some sort in fstab reflecting the above arrangements (will
trial and error that bit till it stops objecting)

Of course if someone actually knows what to do - then please don't just sit
there watching me make a total bags of it! ;-)

Hope it's of some value <shrug>


Or when that server is down go direct to http://www.btinternet.com/~bay56/

----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas & Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 4:42 AM
Subject: [newbie] CDWR and Zip

> Ok I give . I am tryiong to find my CDw and IM Zip. I can see on boot up
> that they are being loaded.  I even find them listed under block
> devices. But I cannot find the command string to access them. I want to
> set up a link to mount them on my desk top as I have for my 3.5 and
> CDrom.
> I have plenty of documentation on making the links for the floppy and Cd
> but nothing on how to locate the extras. My regular CD is as slave to my
> HD on my Primary IDE ATAPI  slot of my Mother Board. My CDWR and Zip are
> master and slave in said order on my Secondary IDE ATAPI slot.
> Please give  me some feed back on how to locate them.
> Thanks Thomas

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