On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> As I said before, I have 15inch Gateway Vivitron
> 1572... I can do 1024 x 768 with true 16 bit colors
> w/o problem in win95. What is the "safe" setting for
> me if I do choose to custom set my monitor config?
Probably just going to have to play with it....choose
settings in the middle of what's offered...if it doesn't
like it, it will come back and tell you there's a problem
and you get to try again. :-) Just don't get too high or
too low in the settings offered. I'd suggest selecting a
dual-synch monitor. I recall seeing an option for a SVGA
monitor that does 1024x768 @ 70 HZ and 640x480 at 60 HZ or
something like that. That's what I chose. From there, once
you get it close to what it "likes" you can run xvidtune
once you get into X-windows.

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