On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 19:40:32 +0000
Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:

>On Sunday 30 Mar 2003 3:45 pm, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
>> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
>> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
>> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
>Hi, ZZ
>To start with, not all of us can afford M$ software, but you are absolutely 
>right - it isn't really about money.  It's about a better, more secure 
>system.  It's about an ideology of sharing, helping, and seeing things 
>develop.  And above all, it's about freedom of choice, not being dictated to.
Very nice, succinct summary, Anne.  May I add enhanced control over the way
our boxes are configured and work.  Perhaps that's included in your "freedom
of choice" comment above.

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years of his life"
--Muhammad Ali

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