Well.. that subject was to get your attention. :)

Ok... it's been officially 15 times installing Linux
over and over and over and over and (u get the idea).
I've tried RedHat, Suse, TurboLinux, PhatLinux (<-
that's a ghettolinux... it really SUCKS), Calera...

SOmeone shoot me.

I have 2 things that don't seem to work.
1) monitor - Gateway vivitron 1572 15inch (I have
refresh rates)

2) video card - Sis6326

Xconfigurator doesn't do crap. I've tried xf86config
(that's what the xfree86.org said) and I've gotten
some results (i.e. not just all white pixels but
actually mouse cursor and everything ... even some
color... wow) What I can't figure out is..

Whenever it asks me if I want my screen to be
'virtually' bigger than what my monitor can handle, I
choose no. Yet whenever I start xserver, this damn
thing will show me a cursor that is the size of a
walnut and what's worse, it will give me that virtual
screen thingamagic. AND the color seems to be all
messed up as well.

Can someone out there... someone with a heart of
gold... show me what the heck the problem is? THANK
YOU in advance.


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