lalala lalala wrote:
> Well.. that subject was to get your attention. :)
> Ok... it's been officially 15 times installing Linux
> over and over and over and over and (u get the idea).
> I've tried RedHat, Suse, TurboLinux, PhatLinux (<-
> that's a ghettolinux... it really SUCKS), Calera...
> SOmeone shoot me.
> I have 2 things that don't seem to work.
> 1) monitor - Gateway vivitron 1572 15inch (I have
> refresh rates)
> 2) video card - Sis6326

I seem to recall digging up some information for a Sis user awhile ago
on getting X working correctly.  Try the archives at the Mandrake site,
the messages should show up there.  From reports following the posting,
the info worked.
> Can someone out there... someone with a heart of
> gold... show me what the heck the problem is? THANK
> YOU in advance.

Steve Philp                     "The Internet is like crack 
Network Administrator            for smart people..."
Advance Packaging Corporation       --Arsenio Hall

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