On Monday 02 June 2003 21:46, Cody Harris wrote:
> At 03:37 PM 6/2/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >On Monday 02 June 2003 02:53 pm, Cody Harris graced me with:
> > > Ok, scenario:
> > > I have a laptop with Windoze 95 on it. It's partition is "Pri DOS".
> > > I cannot read this from a boot disk and can not log into Windoze
> > > (PC/DACS disabled my login after windoze fudged up after installing
> > > a PC CARD (network)). I tried removing the hard drive and
> > > installing it on my computer, but the cable is a different size.
> > > It's 48 MB with a P1. My question is: how do i get onto the drive,
> > > send my files over the network, and format without installing a
> > > full version of Linux.
> > >
> > > Remember: I don't want anything to be written to the drive, so i
> > > need a version that can either run across a network or from a disk.
> > >
> > > Any other suggestions welcome!
> >
> >Hey, Cody,
> >
> >I'm not sure that I am reading your post correctly, so please help me
> >out and forgive if I am way off....
> >
> >Are you trying to run Linux without installing to your hard drive, or
> >to recover data off your hard drive, or what? I'm confused with your
> >purpose, that's all. :-)
> Recover data
> >Since I am not sure what you want to do, you could take this for what
> >it's worth.....
> >
> >Knoppix is designed to run off the CD-ROM drive. If this portable
> >beastie is blessed with a CD-ROM drive, you could run that and never
> >really have to use your hard drive for it. There are some
> >caveats...and they would be big ones for you:
> >
> >Knoppix, at least a modern copy, is going to need lots of RAM. That's
> >where all your important directories and files that need to loaded
> >are put (like /home, for instance). It essentially divides up and
> >uses your RAM memory as if it was your hard drive. Once you turn of
> >your computer, all is lost (though you could opt to save configs to
> >the hard drive so that you wouldn't have to re-config each time you
> >boot-up...your choice, there.) If I read your post correctly, your
> >laptop only has 48 MB of RAM. Did I? That's not enough for this. If I
> >understood that your P1 refers to a Pentium Classic, a P233 MHz is
> >going to be the bottom end and still be able to run KDE or Gnome. At
> >least this is what I experienced on a test PC running a P233 with 128
> >MB RAM, using Knoppix 3.2.
> Yes, it has CD. It's an old laptop, so Knoppix wouldn't work.
> >There are some projects out there that provide Linux on a floppy disk,
> >and some minimal O/S installs that might work, but the floppy one is
> >the only one that I seem to recall would allow you to run without
> >using the hard drive. This information is the better part of a year
> >old, so I can't vouch for your ability to find any of these
> >resources. Try doing a search using some key words that imply running
> >on a floppy or from a CD.
> But will they run my network card?
> >I'll take a look at my old bookmarks and see if I can find this stuff
> >for you. I save everything, but then I can't seem to find where I put
> >things afterward....I had that workstation here moments
> >ago...hmmmm...
> Ok, thanks.
> >HTH,
> >
> >T

Frankly you have a few options here, depending on what you're out out to 

If you just want yer Windoze95 back up and running and know where to look and 
edit: Get a "tomsrtb" boot floppy off the net (http://www.toms.net/rb/) and 
boot from that. Don't use knoppix or anything with a gui if you've only got 
32M ram!

If this is too much: find a friend or go to


for a winders boot floppy and use that.

And/or: Shove winders and install linux:o)

Good luck,

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