Olle Viksten wrote:
> Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> >
> >
> > Olle....It certainly is directly supported.  I'm using one right now
> > without any second source drivers on my mdk 6.0 system.  The chip was
> > listed in the choices in sndconfig and I believe it was the ess 1371.
> > Steve might or might not want to spen $20 on a commercial driver, but he
> > certainly doesn't have to.
> I couldn't get it to work. But that was on my old machine, pentium 133, wich was
> behaving strange in many ways. As long as I've got oss  I'll stick with it. But I
> might try without it at our LUG here in Stockhom.
> BTW the support for oss here in Sweden is great. About 30 minutes after I downloaded
> the stuff a representative for the company phoned me long distance to give advice.
> And I haden't  even started to install yet. *g*
> Olle
> --
> ______________________
> http://www.viksten.com
>    Worth a visit
>       Try it

Olle....well that certainly sounds like a sofware company that I
wouldn't mind dealing with, unlike a lot of others. (-:


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