Todd Slater wrote:
A colleague has a g4 with cf card. She usually uses the usb connection
one had something else. I'm not exactly excited about trying this
again--does canon do something weird to format cf cards, or was this

if linux looks at cf card as a '/dev/cfc1' or what ever, have you tried using dd to unloaded what is there? if nothing else, it might be a way to 'back up' what ever is on card.

before reformatting card, i would contact cannon support. if it has happened
to your colleague, and unless she is a total da, cannon may have a solution.

just a fluke? The card is a kingston. I've never had this happen with my
lexar cf card.

does cannon recognize kingston? contacted kingston?.

then again, if nothing important, as step hen sa id, re format it.

peace out.


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