I use a FIC VA503+ and a 4.3 Gig WesternDigital HD and
have had no problems. I think I set the drive to LBA
in the BIOS also.

--- Steve Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Civileme wrote:
> > 
> > <Adds FIC VA503+ and big drives to his list of
> things to avoid>
> DO NOT add this motherboard, nor big drives to your
> "avoid" list.  
> As I've already posted, I previously used a FIC-503+
> board along with a
> 7G and a 6.4G drive.  Neither drive had ANY
> problems.  Setting the BIOS
> to LBA (or possibly LARGE, though it's been awhile
> since I played with
> that BIOS) will allow all operating systems to see
> all parts of the
> drive.  Windows included.
> I'm not sure why the original poster seems to think
> that the MaxBlast
> software is required.  From what I recall of the
> dirty little utility,
> it was intended for extremely old BIOSes which
> didn't recognize drives
> larger than 528M.  It's been a LONG time since those
> BIOSes have shipped
> on retail boards.  We're talking early 486 days,
> folks.
> My advice stands.  Toss the MaxBlast disk into the
> trash.  Forget you
> ever owned it.  Modify your BIOS settings to reflect
> that you're using a
> large drive and need Logical Block Addressing (LBA).
>  All will be fine.
> > Try www.compgeeks.com.  They may have a few
> Promise EIDE controllers
> > left.
> > 
> > DON'T, not even in an air raid, consider an ISA
> EIDE controller.  I
> > think that sort of bottleneck could break a lot of
> assumptions made by
> > the programmers.
> > 
> > If you cannot get the board there for a
> substantial discount, then try
> > www.dcdrives.com for full factory price.
> > 
> > Civileme
> > 
> > Thomas & Peter wrote:
> > 
> > > I have a FIC VA503+ with a Maxtor Hard drive. I
> am running Win 98 and
> > > Mandrake.  My MB recognizes my Maxtor HD but not
> its size. I have
> > > upgraded my bios to the newest version. So I
> have to install EZ Bios
> > > to get it to see its full size. Everything is
> running fine except that
> > > EZ Bios makes Linux see My HD as a temporary
> drive. instead of the
> > > main. So it will not run executible programs. I
> wrote FIC 4 times
> > > inquirering about this problem before upgrading
> my Bios and have not
> > > gotten an answer. Maxtor E d me the next day and
> told me to get an
> > > EIDE controller card. Does any one know of a
> card that Linux will see.
> > > I have a space for PCI and ISA. Thank you 
> Thomas
> > 
> > --
> > visit http://homepages.msn.com/invalid_url  ....
> > Is Microsoft afraid to pay itself license fees for
> IIS?
> > Sure looks like an Apache (open-source) Signature
> to me
> -- 
> Steve Philp
> Network Administrator
> Advance Packaging Corporation

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