Well I'm with freeserve and no problems here

Mozilla wouldn't touch your dial up any security would go over tcp/ip and would have nothing do with the physical conection

Aslo when your on the phone do you get a lot of static or noise?

Also does that mean you live outside an ADSL exchange?


John Richard Smith wrote:

Personally , I think it's mostly due to a lack of equipement to cater for demand by my ISP, , Freeserve anytime, but I have to be aware of the possibilities of problems with my end.

First they blamed it on BT, said the line was faulty, so then I get BT to carry out line tests, they report a good line , no problems.

Then when I report that to Freeserve they say, it's due to my modem, which in fairness was very hot due to the weather, but I still have doubts about that accusation, for one thing the fall in the quality of service predates the heatwave,
plus I've now rigged a temporary 8cm case fan straight onto the chips and they are now cool enough, and still no improvement.

Then it occures to me that it might be something to do with my ISP rejecting my connection due to some sort of security increase due to me installing Mozilla1.4 with all it's increase security packages.I'm not really confident about it, but I have to explore the possibility , that is all.

I'm affraid there are no cheap broadband packages available to me.
I shall have to put up with dialup.
I can switch to another ISP, and may well do so, but I want to be sure first that it is my ISP lack of equipement to service the demand that really is the problem.

I suppose it might help if I could get the computer to cough up some reason why the ISP connection fails so often.

Michael Lothian wrote:

Get cheep broadband ;)

My exchange gets enabled on the 3rd of September and it's as cheep as freephone dial up.

Going back to your question no these have nothing to do with mozilla but are far more elikely due to the heat.

I'm in Edinburgh and it's still roasting here so much so that I was getting graphical errors in Windows.

What isp are you with anyway and what time were you connecting at?


John Richard Smith wrote:

I have a Tetex version of Mozilla 1.4 installed.

I also installed some security packages.
not sure if these are they, but included,


I now have a tab called enigmail.

OK so there are new security features.

Question ,
Is it possible that any of these new security feature might cause
difficulties logging on, and when on, cause the line to be dropped
by my ISP.

I'm not terribly convinced of this but I'm currently in discussions
with my ISP because of the service I'm not getting.

Now bear in mind here in Britain we are going through a heat wave
right now, with daily temperatures 36-38 C or 98-100F, and indeed
I'm currently struggling to keep my equipement opperational in these
unusual temperatures in a room reaching this afternoon of 106F.

My modem is getting hot, and I've removed the plastic casing and
positioned a 8CM case fan over it to cool things down a bit.

here is a typical connection script

AT &F1 &V1
LAST TX rate................ N/A
HIGHEST TX rate............. 300 BPS
LAST RX rate................ N/A
HIGHEST RX rate............. 300 BPS
PROTOCOL.................... N/A
COMPRESSION................. N/A
Line QUALITY................ 255
Rx LEVEL.................... 215
Highest Rx State............ 00
Highest TX State............ 00
EQM Sum..................... FFFF
RBS Pattern................. FF
Rate Drop................... FF
Digital Loss................ None
Local Rtrn Count............ 00
Remote Rtrn Count........... 00
Flex fail



I've been ticked off by my ISP for setting my KPPP dialer
speed to 115200, though I would of thought it didn't matter.
So I've reset it to 57600 , for all the difference it makes.

What is people's oppinion could the new Mozilla security cause
my ISP to drop my line connection, and make connection
difficult in the first place. What is the likelyhood of the problem being
the modem, and how much of the problem is due to lousy ISP equipement
facilities ?

Any opinions ?



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